Spinal Cord Stimulator and Neuromodulation Devices for Chronic Neuropathic Pain and Other Indications

Get Spinal Cord Stimulator and Neuromodulation Devices for Chronic Pain at IPSC Hospital | Best Spine Hospital in Bangalore

Around 1 in every 10 adults across the world is diagnosed with chronic pain every year. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines chronic pain as any pain that persists or recurs for more than 3 months. In India, chronic pain is mostly common among the older population, around the age of 60 and above.

The medical field today offers more patient-friendly and equally effective treatments apart from extensive surgery. Spinal cord stimulators and neuromodulation devices are one such advancement that helps address several forms of chronic pain with minimal effort.

At IPSC Hospital, you can get the best quality spinal cord stimulators and neuromodulation devices to get rid of chronic pain and lead a normal life. Our pain specialists are experts in deciphering the causes of different forms of pain and devising the most effective approach to treat it. We always keep your comfort and well-being as our top priority for every treatment. Our expertise, dedication, and world-class treatment make us the best spine hospital in Bangalore.

To learn more about the services for spinal cord stimulators and neuromodulation devices at IPSC Hospital, continue reading.

What are Spinal Cord Stimulators and Neuromodulation Devices?

Spinal cord stimulators (SCS) and neuromodulators are devices designed to prevent pain signals from reaching your brain.

The intricate network of nerve cells in your body transfers signals for different stimuli and sensations to your brain, including pain, and then you feel it. SCS is designed to inhibit the transfer of pain signals from certain target nerve channels. Since your brain does not receive and interpret that signal, you do not feel pain associated with that nerve.

SCS and neuromodulation devices consist of two parts: the pulse generator and the electrodes. The pulse generator creates electrical pulses in the electrodes which forward these pulses to the target nerve.

Who Needs a SCS and Neuromodulation Device?

Spinal cord stimulators and neuromodulation devices are used to treat various forms of persistent or recurring pain. You can consider getting SCS spine treatment in Bangalore at IPSC Hospital if you have:

  • Neuropathic pain: It occurs without any obvious trigger or injury, often due to any damage to or dysfunction of the nervous system.
  • Complex regional pain syndrome: Usually occurs in the limbs after an injury and causes persisting pain, swelling, and sensitivity.
  • Failed back surgery syndrome: Refers to cases where patients experience persistent or recurring pain after a back or spinal surgery.
  • Ischemic pain: It is the pain caused by the reduced blood supply in a certain part of the body.
  • Chronic pancreatitis: It refers to the pain caused by the inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Angina pectoris: It is the pressure or pain in the chest caused by insufficient blood supply to a heart muscle.
  • Refractory radiculopathy: It is the pain caused by a damaged or pinched nerve along the spine.
  • Chronic painful bladder syndrome: It is characterized by persistent or recurring pain and discomfort in the bladder area.
  • Chronic abdominal pain: It is the pain in the abdominal region caused by numerous factors.

Spinal Cord Stimulator Installation Procedure at IPSC Hospital in Bangalore

At IPSC Hospital, our spine doctors in Bangalore study your symptoms, test results, and medical history to form a diagnosis. They analyze every aspect of your case to ensure that you are an eligible candidate for this procedure. This is essential to prevent any future complications and ensure your well-being.

Once our experts are satisfied with your eligibility, they proceed with the installation. This takes place in two stages including the testing stage and the final installation stage.

  • 1. The Testing Stage

    Here, you will have to wear an external pulse generator and one or more electrodes will be placed near your spinal cord or the target nerve. This trial is done over a few weeks and our specialists observe your body’s response to the treatment. If the results are promising, they proceed with the permanent installation of the device.

  • 2. The Final Installation Stage

    Here, our top spine surgeon in Bangalore places one or more electrodes near your spinal cord or the target nerve. The pulse generator is installed in a separate part of your body, usually right under the skin in the abdominal or buttock area. This pulse generator comes with a remote control so you can control the intensity and frequency of the electrical pulses as needed. You can also turn the SCS on or off as and when required.

Why Choose IPSC Hospital to Get Spinal Cord Stimulators in Bangalore?

IPSC Hospital is a leading name in the field of spine treatment in Bangalore. We offer the most comprehensive, affordable, and patient-friendly solutions to health concerns associated with the spinal cord and nerves.

Spinal cord stimulators and neuromodulation devices are a benchmark solution to chronic pain and we provide the best quality stimulator with record success rates. The treatments at IPSC Hospital are centred around the well-being, comfort, and convenience of our patients. We have the most advanced SCS and neuromodulators to provide you with the best results and help you lead a pain-free life.


A spinal cord stimulator has remarkably high success rates. Over half of the recipients have reported at least a 50% decrease in the intensity of pain after getting the implant.

A spinal cord stimulator implant is not painful in general. However, some people may feel an occasional discomfort in the implant site but it is usually negligible and does not persist.

The lifespan of a SCS depends on its type and quality. Some of these devices have rechargeable batteries while others do not. For non-rechargeable SCS devices, the lifespan may be around 2 to 5 years whereas a rechargeable device may last up to 25 years. Consult with the doctor about the lifespan of the implant before getting it.

Installation of an SCS device may take anywhere between 20 to 40 minutes. Before this, you have to go through a trial period for a few weeks. The final installation is done if your body responds positively to the device.

Yes, the spinal cord stimulator is a tested device and deemed safe to use for the treatment of chronic pain. For additional safety, our doctors hold a trial period before giving you a permanent implant.

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