Abstracts related to the field of Chronic Pain Medicine are invited for International
conference on Advanced Interventional Management of Pain, 2023
30 best abstracts will be selected of which:
- 10 best abstracts will be considered for Free Paper presentations
- 20 abstracts will be considered for Poster presentation
1 best Free Papers and 1 best Poster from each category will
be Awarded with 7
Days of Training in Pain and spine Interventions at IPSC Pain and Spine Hospital,
New Delhi, India.
- Vertebral Augmentation
- Spine Endoscopy
- Radio Frequency Procedure
- Regenerative Interventions
- Implantable Devices
- Business of Pain Medicine
- Cancer Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Acute Pain
The abstract may be submitted to aimp@ipscindia.com latest by 25th September
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
Prior registration is mandatory for the abstract to be eligible for
consideration for presentation. (Podium and Poster, both)
While submitting the abstract please mention email subject as “Abstract
AIM-P” followed by your Registration number.
Case reports will be considered only for Poster presentation
Restrict your abstract to 250 words from ‘Introduction’ to end of
The abstract must incorporate the following details:
- Title: Concise, Self-descriptive
Author’s information: Name, Designation, Institutional affiliation,
Email and mobile number
- Key words: 3 to 5
- Introduction: containing ‘Background’ and ‘Aim’
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- References: Minimum 1, Maximum 3
- Figures: Maximum 1
- Tables: Maximum 1
Discussion need not be a part of abstract. However it must be incorporated
during actual paper/poster presentation
The abstract should be submitted as a PDF document
You will be intimated about the acceptance for presentation and the time slots after
review of your abstract by the AIM –Pain 2023 Scientific Committee via return mail.
In case of any clarification regarding Abstract Submission please feel free to contact:
Dr Swati Bhat,
Organising Chairperson,
Advanced Interventional Management of Pain 2023, Bengaluru, India