
ACL Tear

Q. What is an ACL? 
A. Knee is a complex joint with ligaments around and inside the joint which keeps the  bone together and provides stability to the joint in multiple directions. 

ACL (Anterior Circulate Ligament) is a complex ligament inside the knee joint which  prevents forward movement of shin bone. It also provides rotatory stability to some  extent. 

Q. What Causes ACL Tear? 
A. ACL is a very Common Injury affecting every age group. It can be caused due to sudden  change in direction, pivoting, landing foot incorrectly after jump, stopping suddenly  while running. Less common mode of injury can be hyperextension or direct contact  injury to knee. 

QWho are more prone? 
A. ACL tear is one of the commonest sports injuries. Players involved in high demand sports like soccer, basketball, skiing, martial arts are very much vulnerable and  chances of Injury even increases many fold if muscle strength, conditioning and  neuromuscular control is not adequate. 

Females with same level of activity have 3 to 4 times higher chances because of wider  pelvis, joint laxity and poor muscle strength. 

Q. Clinical Symptoms of ACL tear ?
A. Patient generally has pop-up sound or give away feeling immediately after Injury. Pain  and Swelling accompany in acute stage which subsides/decreases in 1-2 weeks. After  that patient complains of instability /giving away with weight bearing, decreased confidence in affected knee or unable to pursue sports. 

Q. How ACL tear is diagnosed? 
A. When suspect ACL tear with above mentioned complains, you should immediately  consult your doctor. 

Our Specialists do various tests of instability for ACL insufficiency at IPSC Pain and Spine Hospital

MRI is the investigation of choice. Associated injuries like meniscal tear, chondral or  other ligament injuries can also be seen on MRI films. 

ACL tear once diagnosed can be managed conservatively /with surgery (Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction) depending on actively level and symptoms of patient. ACL repair with Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive painless procedure and the patients can be discharged next day after the surgery. 

Post Surgery, you will be advised to wear a joint support brace for 4-6 weeks, for proper healing and strengthening f the repaired tissue. 



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