
Arthroscopy for joints

Q. What is arthroscopy or keyhole surgery?
A. Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure done through 2-3 very small incisions around the affected joint that
allows your specialist to look inside the joint through a small instrument called an arthroscope. Most of the tissues like ligamentscartilage, and joint surfaces can be seen on a monitor and we can detect and repair such tissues under vision. 

Q. Why arthroscopy is necessary when you can see injured tissues on MRI?
A. MRI is a very good modality to detect abnormality around your joint, it is highly suggestive but arthroscopy is confirmatory because you can directly see inside the joint and can treat it simultaneously like

Rotator Cuff injury

Meniscal tear

    ACL Tears

Q. Can you use arthroscopy for regenerative procedures? 
A. Yes! Arthroscopy also helps us in depositing pain-biologics ( drugs used to repair tissue) at the exact location of injury.
We can also remove Loose bodies of torn cartilage and bones from within the joint space. 

Q. How is arthroscopy performed?
A. The Arthroscopy specialist at IPSC India uses regional anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on which joint and the extent of the problem. A small, buttonhole-sized incision is made on the skin to insert the arthroscope along with other small incisions to insert instruments used for the repair. 
After the procedure, the small incisions are closed with sutures or Steri-strips and covered with a dressing. You will be moved from the operating room to the recovery room. Most arthroscopic procedures are done on an outpatient basis but admission for one to two days is required in complex cases. 
Before you are discharged to home, you will be given instructions about how to care for your wounds, what activities to avoid, and which exercises to perform to aid your recovery. The sutures will be removed during your follow-up visit.

Q. What is the complication rate of arthroscopy?
A. When performed by well-trained arthroscopy surgeon, complications are very rare.

Q. What is recovery like after arthroscopy?
A. Recovery with arthroscopy is really rapid when compared to the open procedure because the entire procedure is done through 2-3 small 1-2 cm incisions. For most procedures patients are allowed to walk and physiotherapy exercises are started the very next day. 

Q. What are the benefits of arthroscopy over open surgery?
A. Less pain, less tissue damage, minimal blood loss, early physiotherapy, and rapid recovery.

Q. How arthroscopy is useful in sports injury?
A. Sports person are prone for injuries and they need to get back to their training and practices as soon as possible. Arthroscopy has really revolutionized sports injury treatment. With the arthroscopic repair of the ligament tear and other torn tissues of the joint, we can make them mobile fast.  
We can also use arthroscopy for regenerative interventions of the damaged tissues. 


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