
Pain specialist- who helps ensure you are never in pain

Diseases, injuries and health issues can have a different degree of effect with respect to both time and severity. The one health issue that has an immediate adverse effect and needs the quickest possible treatment is chronic pain or long standing pain. From a mild headache to incapacitating back pain to debilitating neck pain to jolting sensation in the abdomen, pains cause a great deal of suffering in patients due to their immediate impact. The only way to soothe your ache is by visiting a Pain Specialist or Interventional Pain & Spine Specialist.

Who is a Pain Specialist?

A pain specialist doctor who is expert in treating pain or pain management specialist is an M.D (Doctor of Medicine) in Anesthesiology with fellowship-trained expert in pain medicines.  It is a medical specialty, which focuses on prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment pain. Due to the complexities involved in the treatment of chronic pain, pain medicine is recognized as a separate medical super specialty as Interventional Pain Management.

Pain Specialist – What are the ailments they treat?

Depending on the type of pain and discomfort, here is a list of situations when you need a specialist to treat your pain!

  • Sciatica
  • Nerve compression
  • Tingling and numbness
  • Nerve pain
  • Cervical spondylosis
  • Slip disc
  • Disc prolapsed / bulge
  • Arthritis pains
  • Cancer pains
  • Complex region based pain syndrome (aka CRPS), or reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)
  • Headache
  • Back pain and neck pains
  • Chronic pains
  • Neuropathic pains
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Pelvic pains
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Buttocks pain
  • Tail bone pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Bone pain
  • Spine fracture / vertebral fracture
  • Orofacial Pains
  • Palliative care

As they cover such a vast area of curing pain, with a good doctor, you can easily get relief from all these issues that are making your body go weak in distress.

The best treatments and aids suggested by pain specialist

Conventional Pain killer medicines

  • Non aspirin type pain relievers

They help with minor pains and are generally used in combination with other medicines and drugs for greater relief.

  • Non-steroid anti-inflammatory medicines-

These drugs help with inflammation and pain.  Examples are ibuprofen and naproxen. If you are willing to opt for Corticosteroids which are used in the event of severe inflammation, then it is best to take a proper suggestion from doctors first.

  • Opioid pain medication-

Opioid drugs are more like morphine and are used to satiate acute pain or cancer pain.

  • Antidepressants-

They are originally introduced for treatment of depression, but they can treat nerve problems too. Mostly when your nerves get too worked up due to stress and strain, anti-depressants can be really helpful.

Modern Pain killer medicines

These are special form of very strong medicines which come in the form of patches. These patches are not available as over the counter medicines. To buy these patches you need meticulous approval and need to fill up certain forms, verified by pain specialist according to your need. These patches are applied over the skin. Different patches are for different duration ranging from 3 days to 7 days.

Minimally – Invasive Pain relief Interventions / Procedures

These are minimally – invasive treatments for which pain specialist are thoroughly trained and certified to perform. These are the best methods known globally to relieve pain. Interventional pain procedures require the use of advanced medical imaging techniques (e.g. fluoroscopy, CT, Ultrasound and others) to accurately guide needles or instruments to the proper location inside the body without giving any incision and without any discomfort with the help of local anesthesia. It further includes evaluating the spread patterns for medications injected via the needles or interrupting pain by releasing the compressed nerve or taking out the slip disc / prolapsed disc or assist in the implantation of drug devices near source of pain. Image-guided spine intervention is used primarily for its precise diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities..

If you want to end the days of discomfort, it is the time that you visit a pain specialist as soon as possible. It will save you from worsening your condition. So, do not take any ache lightly and treat yourself as soon as possible. Contact the best doctor and gain back your health again!



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IPSC center of excellence in pain management, offers a variety of courses every month throughout the year for doctors wishing to specialize in pain management.

  • Multidisciplinary course covering early diagnosis and effective management of acute, chronic and cancer pain.
  • Authored by experts in the field of pain management or related disciplines.
  • Developed and endorsed by the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the IPSC Experts.
  • Contains standardized, high-quality content, relevant for all practitioners.