Spine Interventions, also called keyhole SPINE procedures are minimally invasive procedures where we don't have to open the spine to treat the disease. The special endoscope and other instruments are used to treat painful spinal disorders. Special X-Ray called fluoroscopy is used to visualize the spine from outside. With Spine Interventions, we can avoid more than 70% of spine surgeries. Most of the procedures are day care procedures or need just one day of admission.
Q. What all disorders can be managed with minimally invasive spine interventions.
A. Spine endoscopy is used to treat slipped disc and sciatica, Biacuplasty or disc annuloplasty is used for discogenic pain and to repair the disc tear, vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty for osteoporotic compression fractures of spine and metastases of cancer, neurolytic procedures for cancer pain, Radiofrequency ablation for joint pains, regenerative interventions for sports injuries.
Q How safe are these procedures?
A. As compared to surgery, safety is the biggest advantage. We don't have to open the spine, no bone cutting is required, hardly any blood loss. And the patient can go back home the same day.
Q. How many days of rest are required after these procedures? Can I join my office after the
A. Usually, bed rest is not required. The patient can be discharged the same day and the patient can resume duties after the 3rd or 4th Day. Most of the non- endoscopy procedure patients can resume their duties even after one day of rest.
Q. Can these procedures also helps in pinched nerves or slipped disc and sciatica?
A. Yes, depending on the size of the disc herniation, we select the percutaneous procedure. In large herniations or big disc bulge, we remove the herniated portion of the disc or joint with spine endoscopy. For smaller herniation, some percutaneous procedures like, disc decompressor, laser discectomy, ozone discectomy or ozonucleolysis are selected.
Q. My MRI shows a tear in the disc. Can this be a cause of my back pain?
A. Disc tear or Annular tear is the most common cause of chronic back pain. Patients with annular tear will have pain after sitting for some time. They also feel pain and stiff back in the morning. Forward bending aggravates their pain. Now, with disc repair procedure, disc Annuloplasty or Biacuplasty where cooled RF (Coolief) is used to repair the damaged portion of
disc without opening the spine.
Q. Are these spine interventions covered under medical insurance?
A. Yes, most of the procedures are covered under medical insurance. Currently, it is mandatory to admit the patient for one day in the hospital for insurance coverage. Soon, spine interventional procedures will also come under day care procedures.