
Anal Fissure

Anal fissure surgery refers to a surgical procedure performed to treat anal fissures, which are small tears or cuts in the lining of the anus. Surgery is typically considered when conservative treatments have failed to provide relief or if the fissure is chronic and not healing on its own.

Package Price:

RS 33,000


  • Consultation with surgeon.
  • Consultation with Anaesthesiologist.
  • Complete Surgery (Stay + Food +Nurse Care + Doctor’s Visit)
  • All required Investigation
  • Dietician Consultation
  • Physiotherapy Consultation (if required)


  • All inclusive Surgical Packages
  • No Hidden Charges
  • Experts in Day-care & Short-Stay Surgeries.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgeries with less risk & Trauma
  • Managed by a highly qualified team of Doctors.
  • No Mediator & Broker involved.


Anal fissure surgery may be needed in cases where conservative treatments have failed to provide relief or if the fissure is chronic and not healing on its own. Here are some reasons why anal fissure surgery may be necessary:

  • Persistent or Chronic Fissure: If the anal fissure persists despite conservative treatments, surgery may be considered. Chronic fissures are often more resistant to healing, and surgical intervention may be required to promote proper healing.
  • Severe Pain: Anal fissures can cause significant pain, especially during bowel movements. If the pain is severe and affects the quality of life.
  • Recurrent Fissures: Some individuals may experience recurring anal fissures, even after attempts to heal the initial fissure.
  • Non-healing Fissure: In some cases, an anal fissure may fail to heal on its own due to various reasons such as poor blood supply to the area or the presence of underlying conditions. Surgery can help remove scar tissue, improve blood flow, and promote healing of the fissure.

There are several types of anal surgeries performed to address various conditions and concerns. The specific procedure recommended will depend on the individual's condition, symptoms, and the surgeon's assessment and expertise. Here are some common types of anal surgery:

  • Haemorrhoidectomy: This surgical procedure involves the removal of haemorrhoids, which are swollen blood vessels in the anal area. It is typically used for more severe or recurrent cases of haemorrhoids that do not respond to conservative treatments.
  • Anal Fistulotomy: This surgery is performed to treat anal fistulas, which are abnormal tunnels that form between the anus and the surrounding skin. During a fistulotomy, the surgeon opens the fistula tract, removes any infected tissue, and allows it to heal from the inside out.
  • Anal Abscess Drainage: An anal abscess is a painful collection of pus that forms near the anus. To treat an anal abscess, a surgical procedure is performed to drain the abscess and alleviate the associated pain and infection.
  • Anal Sphincterotomy: This procedure involves the partial division or incision of the internal anal sphincter muscle. It is commonly used to treat anal fissures by reducing pressure on the fissure and promoting healing.
  • Anal Polypectomy: Anal polyps are abnormal growths in the lining of the anal canal. During an anal polypectomy, these polyps are surgically removed to prevent complications and rule out any potential malignancy.
  • Anal Stenosis Surgery: Anal stenosis refers to the narrowing of the anal canal, which can lead to difficulties with bowel movements. Surgical interventions, such as anal dilatation or anal advancement flaps, may be performed to widen the anal canal and improve bowel function.
  • Anal Wart Excision: Anal warts, caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), may require surgical removal if they are large, numerous, or causing symptoms.

Anal fissure surgery may be needed in cases where conservative treatments have failed to provide relief or if the fissure is chronic and not healing on its own. Here are some reasons why anal fissure surgery may be necessary:

The duration of Anal Fissure surgery can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the surgical approach used. On average, at IPSC Pain and Spine Hospital, Anal Fissure surgery typically lasts between 30-45 minutes. Though Additional factors such as pre- operative preparations, anesthesia administration, and post-operative care should also be taken into account when considering the overall time spent at IPSC – Pain and Spine Hospital

Although Anal Fissure surgery is generally safe, like any surgical procedure, however, there are potential risks and complications associated like infection, bleeding, Anal Stenosis, Incomplete Healing, Fecal Incontinence, and anesthesia risk. It is always important to discuss potential complications with the surgeon before undergoing anal fissure surgery.

The recovery period after Anal fissure surgery varies from person to person. In the case of Fissure Surgery, most patients can go home within 24 hours after the surgery. The complete recovery time can range from a few days to a few weeks, depending on individual factors and the type of surgery performed.

It is crucial to closely follow the post-operative care instructions provided by the surgeon to promote healing, minimize complications, and ensure a successful recovery. If you have any concerns or experience any unexpected symptoms during the recovery period, it is important to contact your doctor for guidance and assistance.

It is common to experience some pain and discomfort after anal fissure surgery. The degree of pain can vary from person to person, but there are several strategies to help manage it effectively. At IPSC Pain and Spine Hopital, our Anaesthesiologists are also experts in Pain management and they will help to manage post-operative pain. Following the post- operative instructions provided by our team, including taking prescribed pain medication as directed.

It is important to communicate with your surgeon about your pain levels and any concerns you may have during the recovery process. They can provide additional guidance and recommend specific pain management strategies tailored to your needs.

After anal fissure surgery, making certain dietary changes can help promote healing and prevent constipation, which can aggravate the surgical site. Here are some dietary recommendations to consider:

  • Increase Fiber Intake
  • Stay Hydrated
  • Avoid Constipating Foods
  • Limit Spicy and Irritating Foods Consume Small, Frequent Meals
  • Incorporate Probiotic Foods:
  • Monitor Your Individual Triggers

It is important to discuss any dietary recommendations or restrictions with your Surgeon, as they can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and condition. They may also recommend the use of stool softeners or fiber supplements to help regulate bowel movements and promote healing.

Yes, after the appropriate healing period and recovery from anal fissure surgery, most individuals can go on to live normal life. Anal fissure surgery is typically performed to alleviate symptoms, promote healing, and improve overall quality of life. While the recovery process may take some time, following proper post-operative care and adopting healthy habits can help you return to your regular activities


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IPSC center of excellence in pain management, offers a variety of courses every month throughout the year for doctors wishing to specialize in pain management.

  • Multidisciplinary course covering early diagnosis and effective management of acute, chronic and cancer pain.
  • Authored by experts in the field of pain management or related disciplines.
  • Developed and endorsed by the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the IPSC Experts.
  • Contains standardized, high-quality content, relevant for all practitioners.