
Kidney stone surgery: RIRS

A kidney stone, also known as renal calculi, is a hard, crystalline mineral deposit that forms in the kidneys. Kidney stones can vary in size and shape, ranging from tiny specks to larger, more noticeable stones. They can develop in one or both kidneys and can cause significant pain and discomfort as they pass through the urinary tract.

Package Price:

Rs. 70,000/-


  • Consultation with surgeon.
  • Consultation with Anaesthesiologist.
  • Complete Surgery (Stay + Food +Nurse Care + Doctor’s Visit)
  • All required Investigation
  • Dietician Consultation
  • Physiotherapy Consultation (if required)


  • Any extended stay apart from package, will be as per actual.
  • Any other investigation not included in package, will be as per actual


  • All inclusive Surgical Packages
  • No Hidden Charges
  • Experts in Day-care & Short-Stay Surgeries.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgeries with less risk & Trauma
  • Managed by a highly qualified team of Doctors.
  • No Mediator & Broker involved.


RIRS stands for Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery. It is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat kidney stones. It involves accessing the kidney through the natural passage of urine using a flexible endoscope, and then removing the stones using laser energy.

RIRS is typically performed under Spial anesthesia. A thin and flexible ureteroscope is inserted through the urethra and guided up into the bladder and then the ureter. From there, the scope is advanced into the kidney. Once inside the kidney, a laser fiber is used to break down the stones into smaller pieces, which are then removed or allowed to pass naturally.

RIRS has several advantages over traditional open surgery or other stone removal techniques. Some of the benefits include:

  • Minimally invasive: RIRS is a minimally invasive procedure, which means it involves smaller incisions and generally leads to less pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery compared to open surgery.
  • High success rate: RIRS has a high success rate for treating kidney stones, especially smaller stones. It is effective in removing or fragmenting stones without the need for larger incisions.
  • Preservation of kidney function: RIRS allows for the preservation of kidney function since it does not require large incisions or extensive tissue manipulation.
  • Lower risk of complications: RIRS has a lower risk of complications such as bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding tissues compared to open surgery.

Although RIRS is generally safe, there are some potential risks and complications, including:

  • Bleeding: There is a small risk of bleeding during or after the procedure, which may require additional intervention.
  • Infection: Infection can occur, but it is relatively rare. Antibiotics are often prescribed before and after the procedure to minimize this risk.
  • Perforation: There is a small risk of perforation or injury to the ureter, bladder, or surrounding structures during the procedure.
  • Residual stone fragments: In some cases, small stone fragments may be left behind after the procedure and require additional treatment.
  • Stent-related discomfort: A ureteral stent may be placed after RIRS to help with healing. This stent can cause some temporary discomfort, such as urinary urgency, frequency, or mild pain.

Recovery after RIRS is typically faster compared to open surgery. Most patients can go home the same day or within 24 hours after the procedure. It is common to experience some discomfort, such as mild pain or blood in the urine, for a few days. Our doctor may prescribe pain medication and antibiotics, if needed. It's important to follow post-operative instructions regarding diet, fluid intake, and activity restrictions to promote healing. Our dietician will guide you on this.

RIRS may not be suitable for all cases. Some limitations and contraindications may include:

  • Very large stones: RIRS may not be effective for very large stones that cannot be adequately fragmented and removed using the procedure.
  • Anatomical abnormalities: Certain anatomical abnormalities or strictures in the urinary tract may make it challenging or impossible to perform RIRS.
  • Active urinary tract infection: RIRS is usually postponed until the infection has been treated and resolved.


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